Infographic that shares seven investment options to help you build a well-rounded plan for retirement.


Robust retirement plans with a variety of investments can help you reach your retirement savings goals. 找出适合你的选择.

尽管你的工作可能很有趣,但你可能不想永远做下去. And if you save money now, it can help you meet your financial needs when you retire.

社会pp王者电子官网可能会给你提供一些资金, 但它从来没有被设计成一个人退休后的唯一资金来源. 如果你想去旅行,而不是看电视上的旅游节目, 你可能会想用自己的积蓄来补充社会保障.

帮你为退休后计划做的事情攒钱, the government offers some tax breaks when you save money now within certain types of tax-qualified retirement accounts. 这里是不同计划的概述,以帮助您的研究.


People saving for retirement on their own or looking to supplement an employer's plan can do so through an 个人退休帐户(IRA). 我们来看看传统个人退休账户和罗斯个人退休账户.

的 amount of your annual contribution to a 传统的爱尔兰共和军 that can be deducted from your federal income taxes is dependent on the following two factors.

  • Whether or not you or your spouse participates in an employer-sponsored retirement plan.
  • 的 amount of your modified adjusted gross income as determined on your federal income tax return.

2023和2024年的IRA规则 知道和理解是一件好事吗. 的 following scenarios should help you determine whether your contributions are deductible.

  • If you (and your spouse) are not covered by an employer sponsored retirement plan, your contributions to a 传统的爱尔兰共和军 are fully federally income tax deductible, 不管你调整后的总收入是多少.
  • If you (or your spouse) are covered by an employer sponsored retirement plan, your modified adjusted gross income level will determine how much of your contribution is federally income tax deductible.

Allowed deduction, depending on filing status and modified adjusted gross income

的 amount you may deduct, whether a full deduction or partial, depends on your tax filing status. 点击此链接查找金额 传统ira; they are located in the 调整后的总收入 section. 以下链接提供 罗斯个人退休帐户资格要求 下的信息 罗斯个人退休帐户供款资格要求 section.

如果你已婚,你和你的配偶共同申报所得税, and you are not an active participant in an employer-sponsored retirement plan, 但是你的配偶, deductibility of your 传统的爱尔兰共和军 contributions is dependent upon your combined modified adjusted gross income as described below.


如果你在工作中没有退休计划,但你的配偶有, 此信息提供了全部和部分金额.


与一个 传统IRA计划, the money you contribute may be deductible from your federal income taxes now. 利息不用交税, 在您持有该帐户期间所赚取的股息及资本利得, 要么. 一般来说,提款时你需要缴纳所得税, but many people find themselves in a lower tax bracket when they are retired than when they are working. 在你59岁半之前, your withdrawals will generally be subject to a 10% penalty tax unless they meet 某些例外 for such things as qualified medical, educational and first-time home buyer expenses.


罗斯个人退休帐户计划 以他们的支持者,特拉华州已故参议员威廉·罗斯的名字命名. 这些账户的捐款不能抵扣联邦所得税. 然而, 你提供的资金, 以及他们的收益, 提款时一般不纳税吗, as long as you've owned the account for at least five years and reached the age of 59½.

年轻的员工可以随时提取他们的存款, 但如果他们想提取收入,除了 标准例外, 他们将为获得的任何收入或资本收益缴纳联邦所得税, 还有10%的罚款税.


  传统的爱尔兰共和军 罗斯IRA
供款是否可扣税? 捐款可以在您的联邦所得税申报表中扣除. Contributions are not tax-deductible on your federal return, but can be withdrawn anytime, tax-free.
供款入息是否有限制? T在这里 are no income limits for contributions, but t在这里 are income limits on deductions. 捐款受收入限制.
收入免税吗? 收入在提取之前免交联邦所得税. 合格分配的收益是免税的.
提款是强制性的吗?? 退休年龄是73岁. Your first Required Minimum Distribution must be taken by April 1 of the year following the year you reach age 73. 任何年龄的人都不得强制提款(直到所有人去世后).

来源: 退休 Plans FAQs regarding Required Minimum Distributions | Internal Revenue Service (

来源: IRA规则:你的2023和2024小抄- NerdWallet


Employers can offer retirement plans to help attract and retain good employees. 退休计划可以帮助雇主在纳税时省钱. Some types of plans allow them to offer additional tax breaks to employees as well.

In the past, many employers offered a pension, which provided a steady income after retirement. 现在很少有雇主这样做了,取而代之的是青睐 简易个人退休账户,SEP个人退休账户或401k计划 (提供给营利性企业的员工). 在SEP IRA中,雇主为该计划提供所有供款. 在其他计划中, 雇主可为所有雇员作出非选择性供款, 或者,它可能会提供员工缴纳的一定比例的资金.

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证券, pp王者电子官网和年金产品不受FDICpp王者电子官网, 不是银行担保,有投资风险吗, 包括可能的本金损失.

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Investing in bond funds may offer regular fixed income and tend to have less risk than most stock funds. 了解什么是债券基金和不同类型的选择.


A balanced approach to retirement income strategies and retirement expenses can help you get the most out of your post-work years.


Investing can be a great way to grow your money over time and help you prepare for retirement. 这里有一些投资基础知识可以帮助你开始.